Chelated micro and macroelements
Increases bioavailability and redistribution of nutrients. Increase the use of nitrogen by 3.6%, calcium – by 1.2%, phosphorus – by 1.1%. They increase the content of vitamins in the liver A – by 14%, E – by 8%, B2 – by 17% on the basis of research by the Federal Scientific Center “VNITIP” of the Russian Academy of Sciences and at the SGC “Zagorskoye EPH” in 2022. Humic acids increase the depth of villi crypts in the small intestine, thereby increasing the surface area for nutrient absorption. Humic acid increases the permeability of the cell wall, which improves the transport of nutrients into the cell. Microelements, protected by the careless bonds of the humic shell, reach the cell without being destroyed by the aggressive environment of the gastrointestinal tract.